Saturday, April 26, 2008

Halfway up to heaven...

But not really.
So, as of today my blog has had over 50 readers, before you say something, I blocked my own IP-add in order not to screw stuff up. So hurrah for me. Apparently people came across my blog when looking for Pete Wentz and Simple Plan. That's cool... I had one American reader too, which is also cool, I hope he or she comes back from time to time. Overall I'm glad :-). I also noticed one person came from my friend Moon-Lie's page. So in return I am going to mention her here, it's only fair to do so.
Moon-Lie and I went to the same school for a couple of years and the last couple of months Sara, Chris and Moon-Lie found each other. We each went our separate ways for a year and now Moon-Lie is doing her thing in China, and that's what her blog is about, her daily life in China. It's a really cool blog, you should check it out. Well, I find it interesting anyway because there's a lot I learned about the country in the process. It also has a bunch of cool pictures of her and about the places she visits. So without further ado here's the link
So ends this commercial break.
Fall Out Boy is releasing a video for their cover of Michael Jackson's 'Beat It' this Tuesday on I'm hoping I can watch but I'm not sure if 'my area allows me to play the damn thing'.
I wish I had a bit more to say today, but apart from being a little self-centered I don't have a lot to report on. I'm also still looking for a way to spice this thing up a bit and make it more interesting and fun for all ages.
I'll leave it at that today.

I'll be stuck fixated on one star, when the world is crashing down...

P.S.: Sorry for the repetition but I don't want to get in trouble with copyright laws and The Dudes... but all quotes written right before "XO-reos" come from Fall Out Boy songs. Thank you guys for those by the way!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How to combine a necessity with pleasure?

I just realised that I'm living in Belgium's capital. If bands perform they are most likely to do so here. It doesn't cost me a lot on transportaion and I can make it back home at a reasonable hour. If ever huge bands do a signing session they are also most likely to do it in proximity of my 'appartment'. I think I found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I might go check out more bands next year then!
Flashback: Four years ago I was sitting in my living room and this song blared out of my TV: "I'm trying to forget that I'm addicted to you..." I was all for it: powerful, cool looking dudes, cool lyrics, cool video, etc.... I was addicted to them. They sang about anything I felt at that moment. The tormented misunderstood, lonely teenager. I laugh at that now, but still they had a certain impact on my musical preferences and views on the world I guess.
Four years later they came out with a new album. It takes some time to get into it, but secretly I still like them a lot. I vowed to only buy tickets for certain bands, and frankly Simple Plan slipped to the back of my mind (not meaning I didn't like them anymore, I was just preoccupied with other bands i.e. Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, TAI....). But nostalgia caught up with me, and I'm totally into them again. That's why I was pretty bummed out when I found out that the concert was sold out before I got a chance to get a ticket. It's not far from here, so I thought maybe I could actually go, and not be home too late. It's my own fault I guess... I should've checked sooner. But bygones...
Yesterday I finally picked up my copy of "My heart will always be the b-side to my tongue." and I came across a poster that said: "Simple Plan Signing at the Free Record Shop April 23d 17-18." I was stoked, because it's like so totally close to where I stay. So I went, totally cool things in mind to say. But as usual my mouth shut as my brains were trying to get me to talk. They each just went: "Hi!" and smiled, so I smiled and said hi x 5. I got my signatures and managed to keep my cool until I got home. I finally finally finally finally got to meet them, and it did more to me than I want to admit. I got emotional because it's one of those bands I respected for a long time without going: “They’re so cute..." and ditch them as soon as I found a cuter band. They meant something more than I could ever begin to describe. A lot of bands I'm into now do. They mean so much to me. They keep me going and if anything I'm getting more determined to do something in that business. So, you can all imagine my stokedness...
Well if you're a teenager: check out "No pads, no helmets, just balls..." and "Still not getting any" and if you're not do it anyway. When you're done checking those check their self titled album "Simple Plan" (Duh).
Some other quick news: The Cab is releasing an album pretty soon, check it out, I will too.
Pete Wentz: congrat your lations dude, I know you won't read this, but I'm telling you anyway. That girl hit the jackpot and I hope you did too. I wish you all the best. Check out for more Pete Wentz thoughts, he posted some cool near-Antarctica pictures.

That's all for now!

We're not going to be just the victims...

P.S.: Moon-Lie thank you for the cool feedback! I'm putting your name in the tags, so you'll know where I mention you ;-)...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Career Day...

So, not a lot has happened since my last update. I really need to find a way to keep things going because the last attempt to spice things up in here really didn’t help. If anybody has any suggestions, I’d be glad to hear about them! Anyway, what has happened since my last visit? Not a lot:

  • Last Friday I swung by the record shop and I picked up my copy of ‘**** Fall Out Boy Live in Phoenix’. I know, I know I would wait, but I was asking for it in this tiny record store and they asked me if I would order it and off course the weak spirit that is my own said yes. I’m hyper stoked about seeing it. Revelations and such, I know I’m repeating myself but those dudes ARE truly amazing. Now I’m still waiting for ‘My heart will always be the B-side to my tongue’. It’s taking a lot longer than expected but I received a call this Wednesday telling me the order is still ehm… ordered… and they will get it to me ASAP.
  • Our school is moving. When I chose my school in particular I thought it was awesome that it was like so, very tiny. It’s like… 3 floors. But they decided we needed more space and told us they are going to work together with one of Brussels’ universities. I’m not sure on how I feel about moving. I liked our building. I’m not sure if I’ll like our new dozen of buildings. It’s just so big, and so many people. On the other hand I’ll have a lot more space to avoid certain people, and there are more people to begin with. Maybe I’ll finally find people with similar interests and/or thoughts, other than the friends I already hang out with. It will be far more interesting for sure.

Now for a completely different topic: careers. What the **** do I want to do with my life after college? I have no clue actually. Basically I’m taking these courses because I really want to, but also to have a strong base to fall back on. Although I really like translating and interpreting and stuff, I really love languages, they fascinate me… I’m just not sure if that is what I want to do with the rest of my life. Somehow I still want to make some difference in the world today, not by actively fighting crime or solving mysteries, donating hundreds of dollars to foundations, but by doing something I really like. I want to do something interesting, something that changes every day. Several things have crossed my mind though; I really like being funny and all so sometimes I go: “Maybe I should go for stand-up comedy.” Because people really laugh at my jokes or funny sayings, but maybe they’re just faking it, I don’t know. What I also would like to do is write music, but I don’t have the face to be on television or the charisma for it so maybe I should become a songwriter: do the things I like, writing music and lyrics without having to actually play shows and dodge the tabloids. Maybe what I really want to do is make movies, bring back good horror. Make people crap their pants with fright. I am absolutely aware of the fact that all of this sounds kind of, pretentious. Don’t get me wrong I’m not claiming that I can do any of this. But one has to start somewhere and how will I know if I actually suck or do well if I don’t try. It’s just a dream of mine, and I for one am not willing to give those up that easily. If you give up your dream before you even start realising it, you’ll never know. That counts for everybody. I think that if you want to be something, anything, and you actually have the talent to be it, or you don’t but you want to work at it, you should go for it. I mean if Mika had just given up at the first try and left things the way they were without fighting for what he wanted to do, we wouldn’t be shouting it out to Big Girls all around the world wouldn’t we? If FOB had given up trying after being blown off by some record labels, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. Music makes me happy, and I want to do something in that field. If it works out at least.

Wowzers, I’ve been going on for way too long. And still I don’t feel like I’ve said everything I wanted to. Ahh well… I’ve given you guys plenty to read and laugh about. :) I’ll leave you guys at this!

The road outside my house is paved with good intentions…

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Two guys, a girl and a Monco...

Boston, the nineties. Three friends Sharon, Berg and Pete go to college together. They work, play, goof around, have sex, break hearts but most importantly they make me, critical TV watcher, roll on the floor laughing. It's a shame they pulled it off the Dutch TV, but thank God for YouTube and some dude called ShovelFace. I am so stoked to find these episodes on-line because I really missed them and they don't put them out on DVD. Ok, so I'm posting the pilot episode here. It's a bit lukewarm, but actually it gets better around the second season. I'm not saying season one isn't a blast, I'm just saying season two is more of a blast. I'm not really a tv-quoter but I do tend to quote these doods and girl.

-"What are you looking at?"
*"A meatball and a calzone!"

-"Hey Sharon you look great, did a rainbow throw up on you?"

So, without further ado:

I hope you're not disappointed, but frankly it gets better when Ashley joins the show. She is one bitty ball of sarcasm. I adore her.
If you want to see more of Ryan Reynolds who plays the role of Berg he also plays some movies like: The Amityville Horror (the remake off course), Just Friends, Van Wilder, Blade: Trinity, Smokin' Aces, Waiting and more. I used to watch all of his movies but I got too busy with the exploration of music land that I lost track...

Well you guys have plenty to watch and I am glad I provided you with a dose of entertainment for today! More up later.

Snakes on a blog, I suggest you grab your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye...

P.S.: Fall Out Boy's live in Phoenix DVD is finally out! I don't have the money right now so I'll have to wait to buy it *sad*...