Sunday, July 27, 2008

It could be worse I could be...

So, I finally figured out what's wrong with my visa so I couldn't order tickets, apparently my 'declined' orders were not so declined so I ran out of credit. Solution: new credit card is on the way I'm hoping my trip to Great Britain will happen though. This new vampire movie is coming out next winter. 'Twilight'... I'm hoping to read the book first before the movie so I can figure out what the hell the deal is with vampires who can walk by day. What's next, them eating garlic for breakfast. I don't get it. It's commonly known that vampires can't walk by day... I think it's strange and it defies all laws of Vampirism. I'm shocked to say the least. I'll try to find out more about both the book and the movie.
I finally came back to my 'Buffy' phase. Once every year it hits me and I watch episodes of 'Buffy' over and over again, to the point where I can quote all characters, it's creepy. I think the show is genius though, a bunch of people and everybody can relate to at least one of them.
I don't have much to say here, not much happening on this side of the world apart from working. But unless you want to know how minced meat is made, I'm done for today. A trip to the movies is scheduled so a movie update is coming soon.
Oh yeah, a new 'The Academy Is...' album is coming out soon. Listen and be amazed!
Also 'Paranormal State' is starting again tonight, creepy episodes coming up!

You know I'm always late...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

In the wake of Sunday...

So new update, not a lot to date up. Bad news came my way today, I probably won't be able to go to the thing I was talking about last time. I knew I got too stoked about it and now I feel pretty much awful... Unless tickets will still be available on Tuesday, but I'm in serious doubt about that. I'm still hoping though. Otherwise I'll try to get a ticket via e-bay. Ooops, so now you guys know it's a show of some kind. I will still go see Simple Plan though and in 20 days I will be going to Wouter Deprez, he's a stand-up comedian, I'm stoked about that too. Also FOB is up to something, I'm hoping it's awesome, but I bet it will be. That's pretty much all I have to say right now. I know, I know, boring boring lame yawn. Forgive me: I'm bummed out right now.

I'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies and friends...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Posting day...

Whoa, it's been a while since my last real post. I had this idea that I might have this "posting-day" on Sundays where I definitely post something and just see if I post during weeks. The reason for all of the quietness is that I've been working at a butcher's shop all month an will continue doing so until the end of this month. And after that begins studying. I'm hoping that after that I will have:
1) Learned my lesson and study my a$$ off during school years...
2) Passed the exams I need to pass.
3) Time.

On a much much brighter note: Simple Plan is returning to Belgium, looks like they're giving me a second chance. This time the venue is a lot smaller ans thus more intimate. There's another thing I'm going to, well hopefully. If tickets don't run out in the firs 4 hours into sales I'm safe. I put aside a 250 € budget for concerts and let's just say I nearly spent all of it already. If I'm going to the major thing that is. In order to get to that major thing, I will need a cheap airplane ticket. Does anybody know where I can get the cheapest tickets available? I know of some cheap companies, but some tips from experienced travelers would be awesome. I'm not going to say when or where to, in order not to be too disappointed when tickets run out after all. I will know more on Friday. Bear with me because when this ball goes a-rolling, I'm gonna go crazy. Absolutely.

Calm before the storm set it off, and the sun burnt out tonight...

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'm not sure what's going on with the world today but apparently something is messed up.
  • Amy Winehouse kicks a dude, gets away with it...
  • Akon humps a girl on stage, gets away with it...
  • Akon, again, throws a dude off stage for throwing paper (!) at him, and gets away with it...
  • Travis McCoy gets into a scuffle with a tard, after being called an ignorant something I won't repeat and being hit by the dude in the knee area thus having to defend himself, gets arrested on stage... This is what Bob (McLynn, manager) said somebody in the crowd was taunting Travis with racial slurs. Travis invited him on stage with the intent of calling him out in front of the crowd, with absolutely no intention of a physical altercation. When he tried to help him on stage, the guy hit Travis in the knee area (which has been in a brace because of a recent sprain), forcing Travis to defend himself. At this point, a scuffle broke out.
I'm sorry. I don't get that... I completely back Travis on this and I'm sure Decaydance does so too. If someone calls you something that disgusting you have to do something about it. That's all I have to say about this.

Our hearts beat for....