Sunday, August 24, 2008

About a girl Sunday....

So, I've ordered Fast Times at Barrington High, but the music is already put on-line by the guys themselves on myspace. Still I refuse to go listen to it because I don't have the album yet. Why did I order the album in the first place along with 'Santi' 'Almost Here' ? Because I support these bands through a time where everybody else downloads their crap. Even if that means paying like crazy to get merch over here. (To tell you the truth I didn't pay all that much, thank you low dollar rate!) Because I got the chance to download, legally download, 'About a Girl' I've been listening to it non-stop on my way from school and during study breaks. It's genius to say the least. I urge people to at least take a listen. Pretty much like when a kid goes "I don't want to taste the spinach!" And the mom urges the kid to have a taste, because there's a slim chance he might like it anyway. Only in my case there's no spinach involved...
I don't have a lot to update on, it's been pretty quiet in Moncoville. I'm going to try to catch a gig in London on 17/9, but my mom won't let me go. It sounds lame because I'm like 20 and I can pretty much do whatever I want, but I tend to respect my mother's wishes. If only because of the current death wave raging through the city. Which is a pity, because London is awesome!
Anyhow I'm supposed to be studying.

Catch you on the next sound wave...

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