Anyway, the Amsterdam gig itself was awesome. At first I thought I should wait in line for like an eternity to be totally up front. I had to leave the line twice because of the bad weather and a claustrophobic reaction to all the people around me. Doors opened at six and I had to wait another three hours. I was unable to do so, so I returned to the hostel for the remaining time.
I went back half an hour before doors opened so I would be somewhat up front. While waiting a couple of teenage screamers caught my attention and a dude in a costume came by with a camera guy. I though crew member in bear suit. Turned out to be: Pete in bear suit. Everybody screamed, everybody screamed, in this town of Amsterdam. I didn't though. I'm thinking I'm too old to scream. So I went for the polite nod and smile. Even though I was excited.
I found a place inside that was pretty much up front but on the side. The equivalent of 10th row, kind of bummed that I wasn't more up front, but not for long.
I had learned some 'Boys like Girls' songs by heart, discovering I liked them a lot in the process. I was a bit disappointed to find out that this other band 'Destine' opened for FOB. They were actually pretty good, but I should hear them again, to be able to form a decent opinion.
By the time FOB came on about three girls had been fished out of the crowd, due to too hot. It was great, I don't know exactly how to explain, but for one, I was closer to the stage and the interaction with the crowd was better. Kind of normal since the venue was a lot smaller (it could hold about 1,500 people). All through the show Pete asked us if we were okay, since security kept pulling people out of the crowd, dropping like flies. I became more and more cool with the fact that I was NOT up front. One guy/girl got hit in the head, he/she was ok though. It was cool to see that the band was actually concerned with people in the venue. They took care of us, which I thought was awesome. It appears the show will be featured on a new live DVD, so you guys might see me on TV one day (girl can dream, right).
In line I did catch myself thinking: "What am I doing here, I'm too old for this." Screw that, I'm not too old for anything anymore... I mean I look like a 16-year-old, might as well feel like it.
Oh yeah, the guys headed to the hotel pretty much immediately after the concert, even if I tried I wouldn't have gotten to the right exit in time, I was stuck inside. So no talk to them this time.
Other news:
- I proudly announce that FOB goes down in history in the form of a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. They are the ones who set the record for 'The Most Interviews On Radio In a 24 Hour Period By A Pair of Two'. They have done a total of 72 interviews. Big 'Yay' to the fans, big 'Aha' to the non-believers.
- I 'finally' saw 'The Shining', not the miniseries, but the Stanley Kubrick movie. It was next to brilliant. Not quite though, because the ending disappointed me. I'm going to read the book so I put 'New Moon' on hold, well further on hold because I still have to read some Italian books. I will report on the book and the movie later on.
- Patrick Stump is now officially Patrick Vaughn Stump. (Upon hearing myself saying it, I think it sounds like a count, Patrick Von Stump master of darkness and kittens.)
- I'm going to donate my hair to the 'Pantene' action. 'Geef om haar' in Belgium is about what 'Beautiful Lengths' is in the USA. It is going to be short, very short. I'm scared. But my hair will grow back. In about 20 months I will have back what I've lost. People with cancer, never will have back what they lost in 20 months.
I'm not saying that there's no hope for this our system's broken but I hope you'll vote again...
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