Monday, March 17, 2008

Just another way to spice up a blog...

Ok, so I realise I don't have a lot to say every week, so I'm going to use the 'random question' feature from the blog and every couple of days I will answer a very random question. If you have questions of your own don't hesitate to leave a comment and I will answer them if and only if they are slightly relevant to my persona. So please no questions like: "What's your favourite color?", "Do you have a boyfriend, and if so what is his name and what is his address so I can steal him?" I can already tell you that one varies between blue, fuchsia (not pink, fuchsia), turquoise, purple. And two, no I don't have one. But! Today's question is:

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?
Usually I don't hesitate, at all actually. Every morning my hand rests on the snooze button to push it very quickly. If I do hesitate I'm doing it in advance, and then I overlook my day and work out if I can fit another ten minute snooze into my day. Usually I already set my alarm clock early to have some snooze time. And yes, I am actually lazy. I know it's a sin, but I'm already going to hell for pre-marital sex anyway...

Oh and happy St. Patrick's Day everybody. Today's post is green in honour of mister Pádraig! So enjoy your green cookies and beer, and maybe ice cream if that is possible. (Today I only ate the green skittles!)

Oíche mhaith & codladh sámh!

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