Sunday, October 12, 2008

Head first slide into cooperstown on a bad bet...

So, not a lot of news besides the fact that FOB absolutely rocked the TMF-awards yesterday! They went home, well they went to their hotel at least, with three whole awards. I am proud. I'm also still bummed that I couldn't be there, but I still have two concerts to go to. Yippie. I'm already starting to get excited, I mean now that everything is ordered and booked. I've got my hotels sorted, my trains checked and my tickets with me. This can not go wrong. Or at least we hope it won't. So the next couple of weeks I'm going to be high on whatever it is those boys produce in me. I hope with all my heart I get the chance to talk to at least one of them. Preferably Patrick, or Joe, or Pete, or maybe Andy.
Anyhow, I'm starting the second book of the twilight saga in five minutes, I'm obsessed with Jelly Beans, I want them all. I love the liquorice and the green apple ones, I haven't tasted all of them yet, but I might pick up a bag of them in London. I've been to a lecture about Israel and Palestina or Palistina and Israel. I get it a bit more now I think. It was interesting and illuminating, if that is the right word.
Anyway, Edward is waiting for me, so I must go.

Just want to be a footnote in someone else’s happiness...

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