Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What a treateable treat.

Late night update. Just saw Perez Hilton was assaulted by some dude in the Black Eyed Peas' entourage.

  1. Violence is indeed NEVER the answer, but verbal violence is just as crappy.
  2. You shouldn't have called him a f*****, but you know that by now.
  3. You should have been the bigger person in this and not have answered him when he was bullying you.
  4. Karma...
So, I've rewritten this entry about 5 times, so nobody gets the wrong idea. I don't hate or love Perez Hilton. I tolerate him, sometimes I don't. Fact is that he writes some crappy things about good people and vice-versa. Do I think he got what was coming to him? In a way, yes. In my eyes verbal violence is just as bad as physical violence. When you verbally hurt someone and they don't have the ability to fight back with words they will resort to fisticuffs. If you don't want to get hurt, physically or verbally, then don't start. If you use verbal violence, then don't come crying if you get hit in the face. Fact is that if you don't use violence, often it won't catch up with you. This time it did and you kind of had this one coming for a long time. You can't get away with being offensive for that long. Somebody was bound to snap.
I don't endorse violence in any way. I'll never use it, if people have it coming, I'm sure karma will bite them in the ass without my help.
Btw, you'd think that after that Mr I-don't-want-drama-in-my-own-life-but-here-I-am-tweeting-about-what-a-shock-it-is-and-making-'statements' would quit being so 'aggro', he lashes out at Travis and John Mayer. Uncool.

I believe everything happens for a reason. You got smashed in the face for a reason, probably because your eyes needed to be opened (see what I did there?) and because in a weird way you had it coming dude.


P.S.: I'm not going to re-write this (again). Again, violence is not the answer, don't resort to it when you have the choice not to. Don't deliberately hurt people with words or fists. Eventually you'll get hurt three times worse. One way or the other you WILL get what's coming to you, in any form.

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